Before writing your policy, it is imperative that you thoroughly research your topic and compile sources. Then, begin outlining the key parts of your policy (without drafting it).

To start writing an effective policy proposal, it is imperative to have clear points that form the center of your argument or policy.

First, start with stating the problem. If your topic is changing the material used to make toilet paper, for example, it would be important to ensure that your topic does not veer off and include other environmental issues by mistake. Ensure that the history and context behind the environmental issue and the laws surrounding it are stated.

Following this, you should state clearly and concisely what the current policy is and its inadequacies.

Then, start stating what specific policy changes you would like to institute. Be as detailed as possible, and include who would have the power to institute such policies and how they can be put in place.

<aside> 🤔 Take a look at some examples of policy papers written in the Education Policython hosted by Erevna @ Harvard!

Tasmia Afrin, Tatyana Cruz, Kristen Wang, Sadiqah Quadery - The Solution To Our Student Mental Health Crisis

Julia Umapas - Program for Individualized Engagement and Curriculum Enhancement of COVID-19 Adapted K-12 Education


Here are some tips:

  1. Include an executive summary that sums up the background, policy, and the urgency of the situation into a cohesive paragraph.
  2. Brevity is crucial in delivering key points. Don't write a paragraph for something that can be explained in 1-2 sentences.
  3. Define key terminologies and industry jargons. For example:
    1. AF refers to ('acre-foot')
    2. Adverse Health Effect - Any effect resulting in a change in body function or cell structure that might lead to disease or health problems.
    3. Ambient Temperature: Temperature of the surrounding air (or other medium).
    4. Aquifer Protection Permit (APP): The Arizona APP program was the first comprehensive groundwater protection program in the nation when it was adopted in 1987.Under the program, all groundwater is protected for drinking water use and discharges cannot cause an exceedance of a drinking water standard in groundwater.
  4. It doesn't matter what format of citation you use as long as they are consistent throughout the whole policy paper. If you are using APA stick with APA!
  5. Include charts, data to support your policy!
  6. Be sure to hydrate and take regular breaks during the event!
  7. Ask or hop in to a call with a mentor on our Join our Discord!!!!!!
  8. And most importantly, enjoy the event!